Many years ago, as not so many people were talking about Scrum and agile, the élégant french iceScrum came to my way. Actually, using this tool learend me how Scrum works - as it is incredibly intuitive and guides the user in an unique way.
That’s why I decided to show how to deploy its OpenSource Version, in form of a DockerImage on an OpenShift Cluster.
.create a new OpenShift Project with name e.g. icescrum
Optional: if OpenShift complains something about root
rights needed for the container, run:
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default -n icescrum --as system:admin
Do this only if needed.
Then, in the App Console, deploy the image: icescrum/icescrum
Create a Storage and then, in the Deployment Config, mount it on /root
of the Container.
Redeploy the Deployment Config.
Expose Port 8080 of the Pod to a Service:
oc expose dc/icescrum --port=8080
Expose the Service to a Route:
oc expose service/icescrum
The App is now ready on http:(route-url)/icescrum
Run the Wizard, and you are ready.
Voilà. Élégance française.
Of course, we could do a OpenShift template for this all…
Hinweis: dieser Blog wiederspiegelt meine persönliche Meinung und hat nichts mit meiner Anstellung als Dozent der zhaw noch mit anderen Anstellungen zu tun.